“It is a pleasure to head the department of CSE. The department offers B.Tech (CSE), B.Tech (CSE with specialization of Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning), B.Tech (CSE with specialization of Artificial Intelligence), B.Tech (CSE with specialization of Data Science) and M.Tech (CSE) programs. The department has a team of experienced and motivated faculty members who are in process of tuning the young minds to make them globally competitive. The strength of the department is highly motivated students who understand the dynamics of the industry and upgrade their skills accordingly. Depending upon the interest of the student, he/she may choose to go for higher studies or if employed can choose to do research, development, design, production, application, testing or management in the software industry. Through innovative teaching-learning process, a teamwork approach and leadership building experience, our students gain vital communication and critical-thinking skills. Our institution provides a platform for the students to enhance their employability skills through Industry Institute Collaboration.”