OPAC provides the access to the Pragati Library Data
OPAC allows the users to know the library collection and the status of the library resource
OPAC allows the users to search the database by Title, Author, Call No, or Accession No of the document
Details of OPAC Server : Wipro Net PowerIntel
Xeon Quad core2 GB RAM
4×72 GB SCSI Hard disk
15” Monitor
Zebra server (for Internet Books)
In-house/remote access e-publicationsBoth faculty and students can access e-publications like E-Journals, E-Books and NPTEL Resources through LAN or Wi-Fi connectivity.
Library AutomationKoha 3.4 Library Automation systemKoha 3.4 OPAC
All the data relating to the Library is computerized and bar coding software is available. Automation software called KOHA is being used for the daily operations of library like issue and return of books to students and staff.