PG Program: VLSI System Design & Embedded Systems:

Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

Graduates shall be capable of building their career in industries, R&D establishments or in academia in the domain of VLSI Design and Embedded systems.
Graduates shall collaborate, manage and execute projects in teams using relevant tools/technologies and demonstrate professional behaviour and research leading to technology solutions of societal importance.

Program Outcomes (POs)

PO1: An ability to apply knowledge of computing, mathematics and engineering as appropriate to design and allied fields.
PO2: An ability to transform abstract ideas to well-reasoned conclusions and solutions by testing them against relevant criteria and standards in VLSI Design& Embedded Systems.
PO3: An ability to design and solve problems related to design, systems and circuits.
PO4: An ability to identify, formulates research and analyse design problems.
PO5: An ability to use the techniques, skills and modern EDA tools necessary for designing and testing circuits.
PO6:An ability to work effectively in multidisciplinary and multi-cultural teams.
PO7: An ability to demonstrate knowledge and understand Engineering and management principles and apply them to manage projects.
PO8: An ability to effectively communicate orally and in writing using the English language.
PO9: An ability to engage in life-long learning and an understand the need to meet current trends and developments in the fields related to VLSI Design and Embedded Systems.
PO10: An ability to understand the professional and ethical responsibilities.
PO11: An ability to make strategies and judgements that can increase the probability of obtaining efficient outputs related to trending problems.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1: Innovate and Develop the Assistive Products, Medical Electronic Systems and Modern IoT devices to Cater the Specific Requirements of Real-World Problems.
PSO2: Transfer the Technology from Specifications to Silicon, in the areas of Digital and Analog VLSI Systems and Embedded Systems.