Innovations in Teaching and learning by Faculty

  • Innovations by the Faculty in teaching and learning shall be summarized as per the following description. Contributions to teaching and learning activities that contribute to the improvement of student learning. These activities may include use of ICT, instruction delivery, instructional methods, assessment, evaluation and inclusive class rooms that lead to effective, efficient and engaging instruction. Any contributions to teaching and learning should satisfy the following criteria:

  • The work must be made available on Institute website

  • The work must be available for peer review and critique

  • The work must be reproducible and developed to be further by other scholars

  • These may typically include statement of clear goals, adequate preparation, use of appropriate methods, and significance of results, effective presentation and reflective critique. The department may set up appropriate processes for making the contributions available to the public, getting them reviewed and for rewarding.

  • Innovations by the faculty in Teaching and Learning:

  • Course Delivery Methods/Modes:

  • Class room Lectures: The main delivery method for the courses is lecture interspersed with discussion. This helps in the obtaining a sound understanding of the course fundamentals, design and implementation issues, etc.

  • Presentations by LCD Projectors: The abstract concepts difficult to imagine are presented through power point presentations and animation tools to impart insight into the topic. Presentations also illustrate ideas and concepts in graphics form. Video presentations will effectively communicate the working of actual engineering solutions and their impact.

  • Simulations or Demo: In some courses, the design and experimentation concepts are also discussed in the form of demo or simulations. The students are exposed to different tools for implementation and experimentation.

  • Project: Mini projects and Final projects are carried out by a group of students under the guidance of faculty wherein students apply the knowledge of all related courses in providing hardware/software solutions and present demonstrable product to a panel of supervisors.

  • Group Discussions: GD helps the students to improve their skills and helps them to interact before a crew of people during placements.

  • Industrial Visits: Industrial visits are arranged to get the student’s acquainted with industrial environment and work ethics.

  • E-Learning Resources: Videos and E-learning material are used for giving exposure to domain expertise of the faculties from various reputed institutes like NPTEL, etc.

  • Faculty Video Lectures for teaching and learning: Videos and E-learning material are used for giving exposure to domain expertise of the faculties from various reputed institutes like NPTEL, etc.

S.NoCourse NameName of FacultyTopicLink Available in Website
1ElectroMagnetic FieldsandTransmissionLinesDr.RahulSinghaElectrical potential Gauss lawhttps://youtu.be/MFazWjyQ-7w
2SatelliteCommunicationDr.SubodhpandaIntroduction to coordinate systems &coulombs lawhttps://youtu.be/VBB2vdvBjCQ
3Image ProcessingDr.A.SrinivasSegmentationshttps://youtu.be/xOyXdso_QVI
4Digital signal ProcessingDr.Sanjit Kumar DashStatically signal processing wiener filter.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VwXr3vNVhoQ
5VLSIMr.T.VishnumurthyBasics Of VLSIhttps://youtu.be/5l86r1e6zA4
6Signals and SystemsDr.V.SailajaSignals and its operationshttps://youtu.be/5FJA2qyhQLw
7Electromagnetic Fields and Transmission LinesMrs.B.Vasantha LakshmiFundamentals of satellite communicationhttps://youtu.be/_6p8LkhLvTs
8Digital ElectronicsMr.T.VishnumurthyCMOS Inverterhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWELIU9ThPq__kqccP1Xsg
9VLSIMr.T.VishnumurthyStick diagramshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gGJ1E8ZzEcU
10WirelessSensorNetworkMr.Ch.LakshminarayanaNetwork technologies of WSNhttps://youtu.be/eVB2gJg4y8M
11Antenna Wave PropagationMr.P.Krishna ChaitanyaAntenna fundamentalshttps://youtu.be/mQkd5yhkc10
12Wireless Sensor NetworkingMr.Ch.LakshminarayanaChallenges of sensor networkinghttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWELIU9ThPq__kqccP1Xsg
13Control systemsMr.T.VishnumurthyStability of systemshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWELIU9ThPq__kqccP1Xsg
14Electron Devices and CircuitsMr.T.VishnumurthyCurrent equationhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWELIU9ThPq__kqccP1Xsg
15VLSIMr.D.NatrajMask Layoutshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHWELIU9ThPq__kqccP1Xsg
16Antenna Wave PropagationMr.P.Krishna ChaitanyaAntenna fundamentalshttps://youtu.be/mQkd5yhkc10

Animated Video Lectures to support Teaching Learning:

  • For an effective and betterment teaching learning methodology faculty explains the complex topic of the course by considering animated video lectures. Some of them are as follows:

S.No Course Name/Code Year/Semester Topic Link
1 EC3T05-Signals and Systems II-I Fourier transform and Fourier series https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r18Gi8lSkfM&t=218s
2 EC5T17-Antennas and wave propagation III-I Electromagnetic Spectrum https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cfXzwh3KadE
3 EC5T17-Antennas and wave propagation III-I Radio waves propagation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sRX2EY5Ubto
4 CS7T15-Computer Networks IV-I Basics of Computer Network – 3D animation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj7f244tubM
5 EC7T24-Optical Communication and networks IV-I Total Internal Reflection Demo: Optical Fibers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lic3gCS_bKo
6 EC7T24-Optical Communication and networks IV-I Fiber Attenuation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LVRUwlt0_BM
Optical Splitter – EXFO animated glossary of Fiber Optics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mobOj22QpMI
7 EC7T23- Microwave engineering IV-I Working of klystron tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-U2iJyW4bc0
Microwave transmission & standing wave ratio https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsBTI3tO5-8>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TsBTI3tO5-8

NPTEL Video Lecture available in the Department

S.No Course Name/Code Topic Link Availability
1 Digital IC Design K-Maps and SOP, POS https://www.bensound.com/royalty-free… Website, Communicating to Students E
2 Digital electronic circuits Coding https://youtu.be/oNh6V91zdPY/ Website, Communicating to Students E
3 Analog electronic circuits Circuit Analysis https://youtu.be/5Q865ti1L2U Website, Communicating to Students E
4 Random variables and stochastic process Probability and Random variables for communication, Hilbert transform https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117103067/36 Website, Communicating to Students Email
5 Digital Communication Digital modulation techniques, Quantization, PCM, delta modulation https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101051/3 Website, Communicating to Students Email
6 Digital signal processing Multi rate signal processing, Digital signal processors http://www.nptelvideos.in/2012/11/digital-signal-processing.html Website, Communicating to Students Email
7 Microprocessor and microcontroller Data path architecture https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102062/25 Website, Communicating to Students Email
8 VLSI design Hardware modeling using Verilog https://nptel.ac.in/courses/106105165/ Website, Communicating to Students Email
9 Optical Communication and networks Ray model,meridional ray representation https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117101054/2 Website, Communicating to Students Email
10 Wireless Sensor Network Advanced 3G and 4G wireless mobile communication https://nptel.ac.in/downloads/117104099/ Website, Communicating to Students Email
11 Digital Electronics Number systems, Moore and Mealy models https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106086/26 Website, Communicating to Students Email
12 Electronic Circuits Analysis Circuits for Analog System Design https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117108038/ Website, Communicating to Students Email
13 Signals and systems Convolution integral, Laplace transform in analysis of system https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106116/18 Website, Communicating to Students Email
14 Linear integrated Circuits Non-linear applications of Op-amp https://nptel.ac.in/courses/122106025/33 Website, Communicating to Students Email
15 Electromagnetic and Transmission Lines Introduction to vector, Maxwell’s equation https://nptel.ac.in/courses/117106116/18 Website, Communicating to Students Email
  • Power Point Presentations with voice for the following Subjects:

S.No Course Name Faculty Name Topic
1 Analog Communication Dr.V.Sailaja Noise performance in AM & FM systems
2 Digital Image Processing Dr.A.Srinivas Segmentation
3 Electro Magnetic Fields and Transmission Lines Dr. Rahul Singha Electrical potential Gauss law
4 Electro Magnetic Fields and Transmission Lines Mrs.B.Vasantha Lakshmi Electro Statics and Magneto Statics, Maxwell’s equations
5 Digital Electronics Mr.T.Vishnumurthy Memory devices -Classification of memories
6 STLD Mrs.K.Surya Kumari Introduction to basics and number systems
7 Microprocessor and microcontroller Mrs.B.S.S.Vidya Addressing modes of 8086
8 Electro Magnetic and Transmission Lines Mrs.B.Vasanthalakshmi Electro Statics and Magneto Statics, Maxwell’s equations
9 Digital Image Processing Mrs.P.Sunitha Compressing Technique
10 Control systems Mr.T.Vishnumurthy Basics on control systems
11 Digital Signal Processing Mrs.G.SriLakshmi Fast Fourier Transforms
12 Antennas And Wave Propagation Mr.P.Krishna Chaitanya Antenna Parameters And VSWR
13 Electronic Devices and circuits Mrs.B.Vasanthalakshmi Electro Statics and Magneto Statics, Maxwell’s equations
14 Microprocessor and microcontroller Mr.K.Raghuram Addressing Modes and Architecture Of 8086
15 Very Large Scale Integration Mr.V.Prasanth Basic Circuit Concepts
16 Signal and Systems Mrs.B.Vasanthalakshmi Communication Signals and Their Properties
17 Wireless sensor and network Mr.Ch.Lakshminarayana Real time application on WSN
  • Group Discussion:This is one effective way to the students to create interest on subjects and share their knowledge in group:

S.No Name of the faculty subject
1 Mr.Ch.Lakshminarayana Optical communications
2 Mrs.P.Sunitha Digital image processing
3 MsD.V.V.Lakshmi Digital communication
4 Mrs.B.S.S.Vidya Microprocessor and microcontroller
5 Mrs.G.Srilakshmi Digital signal processor
6 MrT.Vishnumurthy VLSI
7 Mr.B.Sudhir Radar Engineering
8 Mrs.P.Prasannakumari Analog communication
9 Mrs.B.Vasanthalakshmi Digital image processing
10 Mr.D.Natraj Electronic circuit analysis