About Summer School: The Summer School at Pragati Engineering College (Autonomous) is an opportunity for students to gain valuable learning experience that goes far beyond the structured classrooms.
  • This program is different from the regular semesters in terms of structure, approach and content.
  • Students will explore emerging areas like High Performance Computing, Big Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Deep Learning and provide space to test new ideas and methods.
  • The courses in Summer School are intense and are for short durations of between two to four weeks.
  • The Summer School program will run for Two/four weeks in the month of May every year during summer holidays.
  • The intellectual environment is also enriched by bringing in potential professionals, academicians and experts from across the country to teach.
  • After successful completion of Summer school course, students will get a course completion certificate.
  • Students will continue their work along with academics during Saturdays and Sundays.
  • The projects done in the summer school can be considered as mini projects and they can be further extended in the final year as academic projects.
  • These well trained students will become project team leads in the final year academicprojects.
  • In the years to come, programs will explore more avenues and grow in strength.
  • Hence, students have expertise in cutting edge technologies that will help in capturing highly payable jobs.
Summer School course on “High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics”: The following are the 1st Year B.Tech students selected for proposed summer school course on “High Performance Computing and Big Data Analytics” for A.Y. 2017-18 after the screening test.
S.No Roll No Name
1 17A31A0545 Kilim Deva Kumar
2 17A31A0526 Pydah Viswa Ramya
3 17A31A0551 Sanampudi Sri Harsha
4 17A31A0534 Ch. S. R. Surya Teja
5 17A31B0502 Bandaru Subha Sri Lakshmi
6 17A31B0552 Patnala Pardha Manikanth
7 17A31A0514 Karri Vijaya Lakshmi
8 17A31A0546 Koondrapu Koushik Sri Sai
9 17A31B0518 Kondamuri Sivani
10 17A31A0556 Thota Praveen Sai Santhosh
11 17A31B0531 Peddireddy Sowmya
12 17A31A0540 Garapati Sri Sai Vinay
Course Content: Module 1: OpenMP Module 2: MPI Module 3: POSIX Threads Module 4: Hadoop MapReduce Framework Schedule: Venue: Conference Hall, Main Block
Resource Persons:
1. Dr. VCV Rao,
Senior Director,
2. Dr. MHM Krishna Prasad,
Department of CSE, JNTUK
3. Mr. S Rao Chintalapudi,
Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
Pragati Engineering College .
4. Subject experts from NIT Warangal and other premier institutes in AP & India.
Coordinator Details: Mr. S Rao Chintalapudi
Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE,
Pragati Engineering College.