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- Dr. S Rao Chintalapudi – Winner of the AI and Deep Learning Assessment Test conducted at SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram. He scored 37 marks out of 40. And he received cash prize from Prof. Deepak Garg, Director, and Dr. Sridhar Swaminathan , Project Manager,

- Dr. M. Radhika Mani received “Best Researcher Award” in the decennial celebrations of Jawaharlal Technological University Kakinada n 28/12/2018.

- Mrs. P. Srilakshmi received “Best Faculty Award” from Indian Servers in association with Lions Club International, Telangana IT Association of Andhra Pradesh.

- Dr. S. Rao Chintalapudi is one of the 204 Faculty Mentors, who are the members of the “The Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC” recognized by AICTE, Texas Instruments, IIM Bangalore and DST and Top Faculty Members of “The Confederation of Elite Academicians of IICDC”, DST & Texas Instruments- India Innovation Challenge Design Contest 2019.

- Dr. M. Radhika Mani received “Best Researcher Award from Institute of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, Vishakaptnam on 28/12/2019.

- Mr. M. V. Rajesh received “Best SPOC award for the SWAYAM-NPTEL Local Chapter” from NPTEL PIC Director, IIT Madras.

- Recognition of 15 years service of Dr. Y. Jayababu in Pragati Engineering College.

- Recognition of 10 years service of Mrs. G. Satya Suneetha in Pragati Engineering College.

- Recognition of 10 years service of Mr. B.S.N.V. Ramana Murthy in Pragati Engineering College.

- Recognition of 10 years service of Mr. T. Nirosh Kumar in Pragati Engineering College.

- Recognition of 10 years service of Mrs. K.Lakshmi Viveka in Pragati Engineering College.

- Recognition of 10 years service of Ms. I. Gayathri Devi in Pragati Engineering College