About CIVIL Department

Pragati Engineering College started an undergraduate (B.Tech.) program in Civil Engineering in the year 2012, in order to meet the educational needs of the construction industry. The Department of Civil Engineering caters to the regional and global human resource requirements. The institution is located in the widespread area and therefore the students and teachers of the department get benefited through theoretical and field interaction.

he department is committed to strengthen the academic, research and functional abilities of the students, in order to enable them to stand as competent and versatile professionals after graduation. The department strives to enhance research activity in the department, thereby creating competent intellectual resources to the students. Civil Engineering is one of the oldest and ancient branch of engineering which houses a lot of practical knowledge which enhances the day to day life of mankind.

The department building houses well-equipped laboratories. The department conducts various events for revealing scientific, engineering, and technological advances to students. The students participate in events and national level contests, conducted by various institutes.Of all the faculty thrives very hard and give their utmost knowledge for the overall development of the student.



  • Impart ethical technical knowledge of global standards in the field of Civil Engineering in order to meet new challenges in Professional and Research Environment.
  • To train professionals in the field of Civil Engineering, who can contribute to the Industry, Research & Development and also shoulder the social responsibility.
  • To provide state of art resources that contribute to congenial learning environment.
  • To encourage faculty and students to pursue higher education and various career enhancing courses.
Program Educational Objectives (PEOs)

PEO1: Graduates will excel as successful Civil Engineers, Academicians and Researchers.


PEO2: Graduates of the programme will continue to engage in lifelong learning, possess good communication skills, managerial skills, team work and social responsibility while exhibiting ethical attitude.


PEO3: Graduates of the programme will explore and apply the modern Engineering tools for Planning and Designing of various Civil Engineering projects that are technically and economically viable.

Program Outcomes (POs)

Engineering Graduates will be able to:

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialisation to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development.
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)

PSO1:Students will be able to Plan, Survey, Estimate and Execute various Civil Engineering Projects.
PSO2: Students will be able to Design Sub-Structure, Super-Structure and Pavements.
PSO3: Students will be able to apply the techniques for design of various Water front structures and solving the various Environmental issues.

Constitution of the Board of Studies- 2020-21

S.No Recommended Composition Details of Person(s) Identified
Head of the Department concerned (Chairman)
Mr. M. Sandeep, M.Tech (PhD)
The entire faculty of each specialization
All Faculty of the Department
Two experts in the subject from outside the college to be nominated by the Academic Council.
Dr.S.Murthy D,
Assoc. Prof of CE, IIT Bombay
Ph: 09869607604
Dr. Rama Seshu,
Prof of CE, NIT Warangal
Ph: 09490164794
One experts to be nominated by the vice –chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college principal.
Dr. P. Subba Rao, Prof of CE,
JNTU Kakinada
Ph: 7093925555
One representative from industry /corporate sector/allied area relating to placement.
One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal.

Constitution of the Board of Studies- 2019-20

S.No Recommended Composition Details of Person(s) Identified
Head of the Department concerned (Chairman)
Dr. R V S Rama Krishna
The entire faculty of each specialisation
All Faculty of the Department
Two experts in the subject from outside the college to be nominated by the Academic Council
Dr.S.Murthy D,
Assoc. Prof of CE, IIT Bombay
Ph: 09869607604
Dr. Rama Seshu,
Prof of CE, NIT Warangal
Ph: 09490164794
One experts to be nominated by the vice –chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college principal.

Dr. G V R Prasada Raju,
UCEK, JNTUK, Kakinada
Ph: 9618533555

One representative from industry /corporate sector/allied area relating to placement.
One postgraduate meritorious alumnus to be nominated by the principal.


S.NoName of the facultyQualificationDesignationAbout
1M SANDEEPM.Tech,(Ph.D.)HOD & Assistant ProfessorProfile
2V MANIDEEPM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
3M SRI LAKSHMIM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
4A RAVITEJAM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
5A ROGER ANTONYM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
6CH VINAY CHANDRA SHEKARM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
7V TANUJAM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
8M ARVIND MURGESEANM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
9M SENTHIL RAMM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
10K SUDEEPAM.TechAssistant Professor 
11A LAKSHMI PRASANNAM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
12V SRIKANTHM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
13SHAIK FAYAZ PASHAM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
14V SAI GIRIDHAR REDDYM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
15Y DINESHM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
16M MEGHANADHM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
17N RAGHAVENDRAM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
18D RAM RAHULM.TechAssistant ProfessorProfile
19Y RAMBABUM.TechAssistant Professor 
20K RAJESHM.TechAssistant Professor
S.No Name of the faculty Designation About
2 P VENKATA MUTYALU Assistant Professor
3 B.SUBHAN RAMJI Assistant Professor
4 V RAJU Assistant Professor
5 R RAJA SHEKAR Assistant Professor
6 R S K SUPRITHA/td> Assistant Professor
7 P V S MANGESWARI DEVI Assistant Professor
8 D VARUN ESWAR Assistant Professor
9 B RAMA NARASIMHA MURTHY Assistant Professor
10 G S V BRAHMAJI RAO Assistant Professor
11 M SRI LAKSHMI Assistant Professor
12 DIDDEY VENKATESH Assistant Professor
13 KONDA SUDEEPA Assistant Professor
14 S SARAN RAJ Assistant Professor
15 Y DINESH Assistant Professor
16 S DURGA SHANKAR Assistant Professor
17 A LAKSHMI PRASANNA Assistant Professor
18 CH VINAY CHANDRA SEKHAR Assistant Professor
19 K LALITHA Assistant Professor
20 K RAJESH Visiting Faculty
21 Y RAM BABU Visiting Faculty
22 G VENKATESH Visiting Faculty
S.No Name of the faculty Designation About
2 P VENKATA MUTYALU Assistant Professor
3 B.SUBHAN RAMJI Assistant Professor
4 V RAJU Assistant Professor
5 R RAJA SHEKAR Assistant Professor
6 R S K SUPRITHA Assistant Professor
7 P V S MANGESWARI DEVI Assistant Professor
8 D VARUN ESWAR Assistant Professor
9 B RAMA NARASIMHA MURTHY Assistant Professor
10 M SRI LAKSHMI Assistant Professor
11 DIDDEY VENKATESH Assistant Professor
12 KONDA SUDEEPA Assistant Professor
13 S SARAN RAJ Assistant Professor
14 R GOVIND Assistant Professor
15 S DURGA SHANKAR Assistant Professor
16 A LAKSHMI PRASANNA Assistant Professor
17 K LALITHA Assistant Professor
18 D GOWRI SHANKAR Assistant Professor  
19 V SAI DEVI Assistant Professor
20 SK SULTAN BEE BEE Assistant Professor
21 K APPALA NAIDU Assistant Professor
22 K RAJESH Visiting Faculty
23 Y RAM BABU Visiting Faculty
24 G VENKATESH Visiting Faculty
.NoName of the facultyDesignation 
2B.SUBHAN RAMJIAssistant Professor 
3V RAJUAssistant Professor 
4R RAJA SHEKARAssistant Professor 
5V.N.BANDHAVIAssistant Professor 
6V.SUMA MADHURIAssistant Professor 
7G N V V S S L SHILPA DEVIAssistant Professor 
8P V S MANGESWARI DEVIAssistant Professor 
9D VARUN ESWARAssistant Professor 
10B RAMA NARASIMHA MURTHYAssistant Professor 
11U SOWJANYAAssistant Professor 
12A LAKSHMI PRASANNAAssistant Professor 
13T DEVIAssistant Professor 
14D S S S ANAPURNAMAAssistant Professor 
15K LALITHAAssistant Professor 
16D GOWRI SHANKARAssistant Professor 
17V SAI DEVIAssistant Professor 
18SK SULTAN BEE BEEAssistant Professor 
19R SUPRITHAAssistant Professor 
20S PEAVEEN KUMARVisiting Faculty 
21V S MADHU SUDHANA RAOVisiting Faculty 
22P V S PAVANA KUMARVisiting Faculty 
23M UDHAY BHASKARVisiting Faculty 
24D KISHORE BABUVisiting Faculty

Academic Information

Department Committees

Department Academic Committee
  • Dr.Ramakrisna RVS
  • Mrs.M.Sri Lakshmi
  • Mr.R.Rajasekhar
  • Mr.M.Sandeep
News Letters Committee
  • Mr.S.Durga Shankar
  • Mr.M.Senthil Ram
  • Mrs.Sri Lakshmi
Discipline Committee
  • Mr.R.Rajasekhar
  • Mr.Arvind Murugeshan
  • Mr.Ch.Vinay Chandrasekhar
Class monitoring Committee
  • Mr.A.Ravi Teja,
  • Mr.V.Manideep
  • Mr.S.Durga Shankar
Anti Raging Committee
  • Mr.Ch.Vinay Chandrasekhar
  • Mr.M.Sandeep
  • Mr.R.Rajasekhar

Professional Societies & Activities

Student Association Activities

Faculty Achievements

Student Achievements

Research, Development & Consultancy

Research & Consultancy [click here]

Internships & Industrial Training

Academic Toppers

Innovations in Teaching & Learning

Digital Library

News Letters/Tech Magazine

Higher Studies & Entrepreneurship

Item 2018-19 2017-18 2016-17
Total No. of Final year students
No. of students placed in companies (private or government)
No. of students admitted to higher studies with valid qualifying scores (GATE or equivalent State or National Level Tests, GRE, GMAT etc.) (y)
No. of students turned entrepreneur in engineering/technology (z)


Distinguished Alumni
