CSE ( Cyber Security)

Board of Studies – Composition

BoS Composition

S.No.Recommended CompositionDetails of Person(s) Identified
1Head of the Department (Chairman)Mrs. T Ganga Bhavani, Assistant Professor
2The entire faculty of each specializationAll Faculty of the Department


One expert in the subject from outside the college nominated  by  the Academic CouncilDr. S.D.V. Prasad Associate professor Department of CSE, GITAM, Hyderabad


One expert nominated by the Vice – Chancellor from a panel of six recommended by the college principal.

Dr. A.S.N Chakravarthy Professor, Dept. of CSE, JNTUK ,Kakinada


One representative from industry / corporate sector / allied area relating to placement.

 Sri. Ravi Sankar Pisapati. TCS-Hyderabad.

Special Invitee of the Board

Dr. M. Radhika Mani, Professor, Dept. of CSE