Vision of the College

To Emerge as a Premier Institution for Technical Education in the Country through Academic Excellence and to be recognized as a Centre for Excellence in Research & Development, catering to the needs of our Country”

Mission of the College

To realize a strong Institution by consistently maintaining State-of-art-infrastructure and building a cohesive, World Class Team and provide need based Technical Education, Research and Development through enhanced Industry Interaction”

Vision of the Department

To excel in Engineering Education and Research, inculcating professional and social ethics among the students through academic excellence in the field of Electrical & Electronics Engineering.

Mission of the Department

  • M1:To impart quality Technical Education with good infrastructure for students to make them globally competent and technically strong.

  • M2:To collaborate with industries and academic institutions to enhance creativity and innovation with professional and ethical values.

  • M3:To motivate faculty and students to do impactful research on societal needs and to build team work among them.